

Easy to handle than metallic or concrete pipe, faster installation cycle, low transportation & installation cost. PE consists of only CC& CH bonds, one of the most inert bonds in chemistry.
Highly resistant to Hydrogen, Sulphide gas and low concentration of acid found in sanitary sewer.

Surge Pressure/ Water Hammer

Can accept repetitive pressure surges, better performance against water hammer, higher flexibility against vertical settlement of pipe in trenches in newly filled up ground, well suited for dynamic soils

Non – Corrosive

Suitable for all kinds of soils, Acidic/alkaline soils, Weak soils, Marshy areas, Saline atmosphere

Highly resistant to Hydrogen, Sulphide gas and low concentration of acid found in sanitary sewer.

Resistant to Root Intrusion

Unlike Concrete or Cast Iron pipe HDPE pipe does not support root intrusion

Abrasion Resistance

HDPE is five times more abrasion resistant than concrete pipes, effect of corrosion is enhanced with abrasion, and Compounded effect gives rise to leakage and permanent damage

Flexibility & design advantages

HDPE pipe can be bent to a radius of 15-25 times the nominal pipe diameter, Reduces joints and fittings, Pipe easily takes the contour of the excavated trench, and hence narrow trenches with minimal bed preparation are sufficient.

Providing clean Safe drinking water

Non supportive of any Biological growth HDPE pipe is not carcinogenic.

Low frictional loss

HDPE pipe has a smooth ID that does not corrode or tuberculate and maintains its flow capability over time Hazen Williams C Factor is 150and it retains the value over lifetime unlike metal pipes. For same flow requirement, smaller diameter HDPE pipe can be used


Being Thermoplastics, 100% Recyclable Does not produce any by recycling